THIEF: Yep, thats right. The original Thief. ITs a great single player 1st person game. Instead of just going around and killing everything, you are encouraged to "sneak" around. Graphics are not up to UNREAL standards, but the sound rocks.
Grand Theft Auto 2: I don't even play this game the legit way...I just like to play on the first level, and see how many people I can shoot!
Deus Ex: I have this loaded, but have yet to play it. Heard great thinks, and the Unreal Graphics Engine can't be beat.
Battle for Naboo: Basically an update of Rogue Squadron. I'm a little disappointed with this one ... graphics are a bit dated, and the Episode One universe is just not the same as the classic trilogy.
REVENANT: I'm not sure why this one didn't sell as well as Diablo. It doesn't have character classes, and multiplayer is not great, but the single player game play is awesome. Great music, and incredible graphics. Better than Diablo 2 any day. Tons of different creatures to kill, and more character interaction. In may ways very similar to Diablo. The attack moves are varied here, which is unique.
Obi-Wan will not be released on the PC platform. I am not 100% sure why. It will be released on X-Box and PS2 platforms I believe. To make up for this, I believe Lucasarts will be announcing Jedi Knight 2 for PC. Also, Bioware is working on a Baldur's Gates type game set in the Star Wars Universe, and Ensemble Studions is working on a Star Wars themed "Age of Empires". Lets also not forget STAR WARS GALAXIES, which is basically Star Wars Everquest. Visit the Lucasarts web site for more info. Obi Wan is a Jedi-Knight type-game set in the Episode One universe. Of course, you are Obi-Wan, hacking and slashing you way through many levels. These are the first released screens from the game. At first glance, looks very impressive.
I invite you to download "Mangler Doom 2.0",. It includes two new levels , and a total conversion of the game. This conversion has all-new characters, sounds, and graphics, as well as an original story. I'm one of the characters, and several of the other Manglers (see Mangler Page) round out the cast. To find out more about this wacky game, see this Read Me File.
Changes from version 1.0 include new music, new
graphics, fixes, and a new level (Hillwood Commons).
Contains adult content - Ages 17+ please.
NOTE: The file must be "unzipped" after downloading. See the "Readme" file for instructions. To install, copy all files to "Doom2" directory, then run "install" file. DOES NOT alter your Doom 2 files. Type "Mangle" to play Mangler Doom, "Doom2" for normal play.
FREELOADER.COM: On this site, you recieve a certain number of credits for signing up. These are used to download FULL versions of games, some fairly new. Worth a look.
I-DRIVE.COM: If you download games demos and such, you can download them to your I-Drive, which will save you hard drive space, and make your downloads much faster. FREE!
Use in password option:
igiveup - Unlimited lives.
chicken - play as an AT-ST in a small level.
AGE OF EMPIRES (and Add-ons)
Press ENTER and type:
pepperoni pizza - get 1000 food
woodstock - get 1000 wood
home run - win level
big momma - gives you a kick-ass unit
no fog - removes fog of war
During game type 1982GONZO and then:
CTRL+I - Men invincible
CTRL+SHIFT+N - finish mission
CTRL+SHIFT+X - destroys everything in mission.
When loading game, type HL.EXE -CONSOLE
During game, press ~ key, and then type SV CHEATS 1
Exit, Reload game, then open console again (~) and type:
/god - god mode
/noclip - no clipping mode
Press "T" then enter code:
thereisnotry --- Level Skip
whiteflag * ---- disable AI 0/1
deeznuts ------- force level up
eriamjh -------- fly
jediwannabe * -- invulunable 0/1
red5 ----------- all weapons
wamprat -------- all items
yodajammies ---- mana
raccoonking ---- uber jedi
imayoda -------- light master
sithlord ------- dark master
5858lvr -------- show all map
slowmo * ------- slow motion 0/1
pinotnoir * ---- restart level with current weapons 0/1
warp ----------- possibly used for level warping...
* mean put 0 or 1 after code
0 = off
1 = on
dnkroz=God Mode dnitems=Gives you all keys dnstuff=gives you all keys, weapons,inventory dnscottyXY=Level Warp X=episode, Y= level dnmonsters=all monsters vanish. Type again for them to re-appear.
Enter these codes in "Console Mode" by pressing
"~" while playing.
God = God Mode Impulse 9 = All Weapons, Full Ammo Fly = Like a Bird NoClip = No clipping mode
iddqd : God mode idkfa : ammo, keys, weapons iddt : reveal map idclev xy : Level warp (x=episode y=level number)
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