1st Year Guestbook at Bantha Fodder

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Here are Charter Visitors from our 1st Year:

Feb 8, 1997
Wendy Gentzler (Sapphire06.com.AOL)
York, PA

Feb 10, 1997
Kurt Jordens (kjordens@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu)
Blacksburg, VA
"We appreciate all the up to date info on the Special Edition.
I love the page title too. Gotta go, minochs chewing on the
power cables."

February 9, 1997
Andrew (bourkearse@hotmail.com)
Perth, Australia
"Cool page"

February 10, 1997
Carol Jackson (Carol.Johnson@Jacobs.com)

February 11, 1997
Master Yoda
Abbotsford B.C Canada
"May The Force Be With You"

February 11, 1997
ElevenO (ElevenO@aol.com)
Columbus, Georgia
"I find your lack of faith disturbing. - Darth Vader"

February 11, 1997
Adam Pasetchnik (adampas@erie.net)
"Well you have a great site and I enjoyed reading the letters that you
receieve from people about trying to get the SW figures. I have found
that if you back enough times to different stores you are bound to find
it sooner or later. I have family from all over the country and I give
them lists to try to find some of the figures for me, and it has worked
out pretty well."

February 12, 1997
Charlie Brown (cag2219@megahertz.njit.edu)
West New York

February 13, 1997

February 13, 1997
Joseph A. Boomhower (jonb@interlace.net)
Ashtabula, OH
"Star Wars the #1 Movie in America and beyond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wohee, that's alot of exclamations. Here comes moreHow
does yu' like thatMy favorite movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
O.K. that's anough." - ed. note Several !'s edited out.
You get the idea.

February 15, 1997
Alex Burson
24605 hwy 100 Roopville, GA 30170
"I am a BIG fan!!!!!!!!!!!!"

February 15, 1997
Jennifer "leia"
"May the force be with you!"

February 15, 1997
The Bantha (mountaingorilla@hotmail.com)
"You should more stuff on your page about bantha's you use
thier shit's name but have nothing about them. You should at
least put what they are." - sorry buddy!

February 17, 1997
Snooty Blueprint (banthapodo@aol.com)
Bremen, Germany
"Hi, I like your page very well and have it added to my homepage:
"Snooty's Galactic Travellers"
If you have time, ceep in and see.
Take care my friend! May the force be with you!

February 17, 1997
Michael K. Walker (MickeyisMe@aol.com)
29 Palms, CA

February 17, 1997
Chris Johnson (bj95@juno.com)

February 17, 1997
Egor16 (katsuey@www.gv.com)
Lansing, Kansas
"This page is awsome!!!!"

February 17, 1997
Abraham Hoellrich (hajames@bgnet.bgsu.edu)
Versailles, OH

February 18, 1997
Thomas Fisk (fisk31@earthlink.net)
Cypress, CA
"I think this web-site allows Star Wars fans an opportunity to explore
a wide variety of Star Wars topics. Thanks!"

February 18, 1997
Chris Peterson

February 20, 1997
Trevor Knoblich
Wheeling, WV
"Help me, Obi-wan Kenobi. You're my only hope."

February 20, 1997
Francesco (arkimed@mbox.vol.it)

February 21, 1997
Lisa McCarthy (lis.mcc.@stfrancis.k12.mn.us)
Cambridge, Minnesota
"Hello, I have been a fan from the first moment I saw
Episode IV fly across the big screen. I still remember the seat
I was sitting in the first time I saw Star Wars. I have enjoyed
"surfing" the web to read up on some of the lastest
Star Wars info. Thank you."

February 21, 1997
Milk & Nuts (None so don't laugh)
Cupertino, Ca
Whatever, but the music sorta sucks. No offense.

February 24, 1997
Brian Steisslinger (steiss@utech.net)
Santa Maria
If I am not mistaken the clone wars is indeed a battle between
the Jedi's and thier alies against Clones created by "clone masters"
apparently the clones have a bad tendancy to go insane due to
the force affecting them.
I got all this info from the Zahn trilogy of books"

February 25, 1997
Miguel and Colin (essies@telusplanet.net)
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
"Very informative and interesting...will keep updated by checking back!"

February 25, 1997
John Shaft (jdm6236@garnet.acns.fsu.edu)

February 25, 1997
Sean Kennedy (speak@mindspring.com)
Anchorhead, Tattoine
"Like the sound is jive
The man will not keep us down
Help yourself to a steaming cup o joe
And relax for the squadidlelist flat groov on the flip side"
February 24, 1997
Luis A. Betalleluz (lbetalle@ucet.ufl.edu)
Miami, Florida
"Favorite Star Wars Movie: The Empire Strikes Back
Favorite Star wars Character: Aunt Beru, Just Kidding. Darth Vader
Favorite scene: In "A New Hope" When Luke looks at the
two tatoonie suns
Favorite quote: "Impressive, Most Impressive" Darth Vader. Empire
Hobby: Collecting Star Wars Toys(to keep, not to sell)
Unsung Hero: Wedge Antilles
Favorite Movie Costume: Boba Fett
Favorite Star Wars book: Shadows of the Empire
"May the Force be with You!""

Feb 25, 1997
Bob Nash (Bob_Nash@compuserve.com)
Santa Cruz, CA

Feb 26, 1997
Marcelo P. Silva (mpsilv1@ibm.net)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
"Well, great homepage, congratulations. Mine is still under
construction, but has a few spots already, check it out at:

Feb 26, 1997
Scott j. Becker (sbecker@post.cis.smu.edu)
Dallas, Texas
"May the force be with you!"

Feb 27, 1997
Taco Dell (rxd@w0.amtrak.com)
The Taco Bell, on Springfield Ave, Short Hills, NJ
"Just checking out your site-- I just got back on-line here at work--"

Feb 27, 1997
Paul Mumford (paul.mumford@dal.pipex.com)
"Great Arcade Emulator info
Like the music!"

Feb 27, 1997
Kate (KRKey@ix.netcom.com)
Canoga Park, CA
"Hey, nice page you got here, Dave! Glad I FINALLY got to
see it! Keep it up man..."

Mar 1, 1997
D.J Pankratz (RATZ21@aol.com)
Vadnais Heights Mn
"STAR WARS RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Mar 2, 1997
Tim Kreher (TM-Kreher@bgu.edu)
Mt. Vernon, Il 62864
"Star Wars is and will be the best epic sci-fi flick ever.
With the new reports of cloning, it soon may become a reality.
Imagine clone wars in a galaxy far,far away. Thanks George
for all your efforts in this never-ending saga of film history."

Mar 02, 1997
Matt Lijeski (flipper@TheRamp.net)
La Salle IL
"The Star Wars Trilogy are the best 3 movies i'v seen in my life"

Mar 02, 1997
Rone Varden (3JLundheim@worldnet.att.net)
Alderaan, MN.
"We are quite intrigued by the Star Wars trilogy and we eagerly
await the prequel. So if there is any interesting information
that anyone would like to share with us, we will be waiting.
And May The FORCE Be With YOU!!"

Mar 03, 1997
Denis Lawson (Wedge Antilles)
Seattle, Wa
"This page is cool!!!!!!!" -ed. note: You the man, Denis!

Mar 04, 1997
Christie Kester (clkester@fortlewis.edu)
Longmont, Colorado

Mar 06, 1997
Henrik Piehl (henrik_piehl@hotmail.com)
"I think your doing a great job,may the force be with you!!!"

Mar 06, 1997
David Stacey (maxims@hotmail.com)
"This page is brilliant, so any Emulater Fans, E-Mail me!!"

Mar 07, 1997
James Franklin (sir_rothas@geocities.com)
Shippensburg, PA.
You've got some cool shit here. Check out my site in progress @
Suggestions & Ideas are greatly Appreciated."

Mar 09, 1997
Tara Walsh (Rattsterr@aol.com)
Orange, NJ

Mar 09, 1997
Stewart McVay (chalmun@eartlink.net)
Portland, ME

Mar 09, 1997
Chris Kantner (chris@ctext.com)
Ann Arbor, MI

Mar 10, 1997
Nathan Culley (natec@ksu.edu)
Concordia, Kansas


March 11, 1997





March 11, 1997

Berrett Gall (berrett@btigate.com)

Bismarck, ND

" I love Star Wars I am The biggest Fan of all time!"


March 12, 1997

Ben Roth (StarWarsBoy@MSN.com)

Hockessin DE

" cool page"


March 13, 1997

Erik Nowak

" The best web site I've seen!!!!!!"


March 13, 1997

Kim Generous White (KimGW333@aol.com)

Killingworth, CT

"All Star Wars Rules. 'nuf said."


March 13, 1997

Andrew Stubleski (stublesk@egr.msu.edu)

Romeo, Michigan

" You have a very cool web page with a lot of great Star Wars information. Keep up the good work."


March 15, 1997

Matt Schultheis (MattSchultheis@hotmail.com)

Dunmore Pa


March 15, 1997

Tracy Sanford (llxl82a@prodigy.com)


" Be patient, young Skywalker."


March 15, 1997

Brooke North (105357,201@compuserve.com)


" Great webpage! One of my favorites."


March 15, 1997

Sarah Horwitz


March 16, 1997

Edward Morbius (bobafett@cts.com)


" STAR WARS!!!!!!!"


March 16, 1997

Chad GOldman (Spunky@viaduct.custom.net)

Dugger, IN

" Very Informative page, It now belongs on my fav. list.ROJ SE took the place as possible the best film I have ever saw. I walked out of the theater and all I could say was "wow." When People ask me about it, I just say "wow" I can not put into words the,.... That movie was unbelievable."


March 16, 1997

DAVE REDDEL (dreddel@ix.net.au)



March 17, 1997

Jerry Purvis (jrackstraw@mindspring.com)

Marietta, Ga

" cool page. keep bringing us the info on the prequels. Gotta run, i'm going to the Toshe Station to pick up some power convertors."


March 10, 1997

Matthew Featherstone (featherstoms@washjeff.edu)


" Great page!! Keep up the good work on following the Star Wars



March 18, 1997

Stephanie (tagliafs@flyt.com)

Scottsdale ,AZ

" I was a major collector and fan of Star Wars. Private collection is now up for sale.I would like to talk to sollectors,not dealers."


March 18, 1997

Kristen Nelson (Apricot)(k645981n@edinboro.edu)

Erie, Pennsylvania

" Very cool!"


March 19, 1997

jason white (lisajasn@nuc.net)


" i've been a star wars fan since...birth. being born 1/20/74 was perfect timing for growing up in the new republic. only one problem though, patience!!! i have none. waiting for new movies is torture. i've even started to actually read books on future sequels. keep up the great work and keep lucas on the ball (no rest for the wicked)"


March 20, 1997

Robert K. Beckhusen (robert@mitsi.com)

Allen, TX


March 21, 1997

Eben Alton (ecalton@okuc02.okanagan.bc.ca)

Kelowna B.C. Canada

"Nice Site"


March 24, 1997

Jacob Mong (jmong@mail.coos.or.us)

Myrtle Point Oregon

"Just Thought I would stop by and say that I love your page. I am a STARWARS freak and I love anything that has to do with StarWars, The sand people, or The Dark Lords Of the sith. "


March 27, 1997

John Day

Davenport, I.A., USA

" This page is the best Star Wars page on the net"


March 29, 1997

Andrew Hemond (hemond@autobahn.mb.ca)

Cold lake Alberta Canada


March 30, 1997

Brian Sardou (grsardou@sound.net)

kansas city

"My favorite ship is the ig-2000 and my favorite robot is the gladiator droid from shadows of the Empire."


March 30, 1997

Christopher Nunez (Wolf Ten@aol.com)


"Great Page!"


March 30, 1997

Mister Q

Echo Base, Hoth, Hoth System

"This is the best bar outside Courscant"


March 29, 1997

Neko (nekodude@aol.com)

Baton Rouge, LA USA

" Cool site - especially the emulator page."


March 31, 1997

Morak Tutiontiom (mr.q@mailcity.com)

Ruins of Echo Base, Hoth, Hoth System

" I usually come here to sell my Wampa hides when I'm away from Hoth. I love this bar."


March 31, 1997

George Lucas (Luc1334@AOL.com)

Orange County,CA US

"I just wanted to see what the fans want to see."

editors note: Yeah, right!


March 31, 1997

Kristi Owsley

El Cajon, California


April 1, 1997

A.J. (jangal@worldnet.att.com)



April 3, 1997

Dave Lange (cudsl@bgu.edu)

Pekin, Il, USA

" This is awsome. I've been a SW fan since before I was born. Your Site is awsome."


April 3, 1997





April 4, 1997




April 5, 1997

Aaron Stanfill (stanfill@accesscomm.net)

Houston, Texas, US


April 5, 1997

The Almighty Sarlaac (Sarlaac70@aol.com)


Visit my web page at http://members.aol.com/sarlaac70/starwars.htm

The Sarlaac's Pit. I might even digest you!!!"


April 6, 1997

Chad Trofimchik (petert@meghits.com)

wallingford,conn u.s.a.


April 6, 1997

The Sand Man


" I really like your page. I think it is informative and I enjoyed my visit. I plan to return soon!"


April 7, 1997

Mark Pols (151201mp@student.eur.nl)

Delft, the Netherlands

" Bantha podo/fodder: sure beats McDonald's !"


April 10, 1997

Ron Novak(stsup@aol.com)

Woodbridge, Virginia, U.S.A.


April 11, 1997

eddie maturo (tiggerm@ix.netcom.com)

Camillus, NY, usa

" I'm looking for people who are interested in buying old Star Wars toys. "


Saturday, April 12, 1997



Email: bantha@asu.edu

Hometown: Tempe,Az

Comments: Fantastic Page!!! I am in the process of developing my own and

plan to call it Bantha's House of Poo Doo.

I have full intentions to give you prop's as the first to specialize

in Poo Doo. I hope you don't shun me out and my idea. I know my

page will not be as extesive as yours, but I hope people turn to mine

as much as I have turned to yours.


Sunday, April 13, 1997

Walter Bennett

Email: taniself@ix.netcom.com

Hometown: Berkeley, CA, USA

Comments: Well, I haven't seen your site yet, but I have to say I know I love it!!!

I love it all when it comes to SW....


Sunday, April 13, 1997


Email: bottom@concepts.nl

Hometown: Geertruidenberg, Holland

Comments: Keep up the good work and keep collecting information about

Star Wars.


Saturday, April 12, 1997

Bradley Case


Friday, April 18, 1997

Drew Courtney

Hometown: Wilmington, IL United States


Saturday, April 19, 1997

Nathan Fach

Email: Paula Missy@aol.com

Hometown: sarasota, florida

Comments: I'm 5 and love star wars

(Ed. Note – Curious – how do you reach the keyboard?)


Sunday, April 20, 1997

Bob Abel

Hometown: Dover DE USA


Sunday, April 20, 1997

Robert Klace

Email: artlover@icanect.net

Hometown: Miami, Fl. USA


Tuesday, April 22, 1997

Tom, Becca,Tommy, and Patrice Monks

Email: MONKS97@aol.com

Hometown: Huntington, New York

Comments: Hey, little brother! Your web-site is awesome!


Tuesday, April 22, 1997

Brian Miller

Email: Brianvader@aol.com

Hometown: Fayetteville NC 28311

Comments: Hay!

Graet Web Page I have one of my own. I have a few questions, how can I make my web-page known by other people. Also where is the best place to get pics on star wars? Please E-mail me and let me know thanks.

Please visit my web page and e-mail me with what you think about it, and sugestions.


Brian Miller





Thursday, April 24, 1997

Angie D Martin

Email: AngieD@juno.com

Hometown: Cincinnati,Ohio


Monday, April 28, 1997

Jeff Webb

Hometown: albuquerque,nm,u.s.a.

Comments: join the star wars fan club!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

for star war toys,look up galoob and kenner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and may the force be with you...

Monday, April 28, 1997


Email: deerfour@pld.com

Hometown: Deerfield, Ks, USA


Monday, April 28, 1997

Matthew Halldorson

Hometown: Blaine Washington U.S.A.


Tuesday, April 29, 1997

XUOSUX the Killerwolf

Hometown: Hellsinki, Finland

Comments: COOL PAGES! Star Wars rules, I especially liked those bloopers and

miscut parts.


Keep up the great work, I will visit you again!!!


Tuesday, April 29, 1997

Michelle White

Email: heraldprint@rbm.com.au

Hometown: Naracoorte, South Australia, Australia


Thursday, May 1, 1997

Blaine Little

Email: blittle@sos.on.ca

Hometown: Hanover, Ontario, Canada

Comments: Hey Dave,


Thought I'd check out the web site. It's Great!!!!!!


Anytime you want a partner for XvT, let me know :))) I'll fly as your wingman anytime, or destroy you in combat... hehehe


Keep up the great work and I'll see you on the ZONE


Friday, May 2, 1997


Email: roseyhor@ozemail.com.au

Hometown: macmasters bch nsw australia


Friday, May 2, 1997

Calle Rigbäck

Hometown: sweden färjestaden


Friday, May 2, 1997


Email: dlittle433@aol.com

Hometown: ATL. GA.


Saturday, May 3, 1997

Jeffrey Gruber

Email: Jgrube01@ucis.vill.edu

Hometown: Collegeville, PA, USA

Comments: "Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey to the Dark Side will be complete."


Sunday, May 4, 1997

Sarah c.

Hometown: mt. laurel, new jersey, usa


Sunday, May 4, 1997

Niels Koster

Hometown: Dronten Flevoland Nederland

Comments: Never Underestimate

The Dark Side!!!!!


Sunday, May 4, 1997

Darth Vader

Hometown: Super Stardestroyer.

Comments: Never Underestimate

The Dark Side!!!!!


P.S. Pleas come home luke I mis you.

Darth Vader (mister Skywalker)


Wednesday, May 7, 1997


Email: EErinD@aol.com

Hometown: MI, USA

Comments: Visit my homepage!!!


<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/7691">The Star Wars Freak Homepage</a>

name: Joseph Sanchez

mail: joselsanchez@msn.com

hometown: Stamford,Conneticut USA


Sunday, May 11, 1997

kirk sabblut

Email: kirks@pacbell.net

Hometown: west hills, ca u.s.a.

Comments: nice updates! can i steal them for my page?


Wednesday, May 14, 1997

Bobby Stoeckle

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA


Wednesday, May 14, 1997

Pat Wisniewski

Email: kwisniew@remc7.k12.mi.us

Hometown: Grand Haven, Michigan, United states of america

Comments: Darth vader rules and I worship him every single night. If it wasn't

for the #*@! rebelian and their dumb luck. I wish that Vader didn't have

any simpithy for Luke the #*@! and just blew away the stinken rebels.

And another thing I want to note is that stormtroopers have really bad

aim. I mean when they fight the #*@! rebels they always shoot way far

away from them. The same thing goes with Greedo when he was shooting

at Han Solo. At piont blank range he shot like 10 feet away from

Han's body. If it wasn't for stuff like that then the Empire would

reign victorious.

1997 Old Format Entries

2/5/97 Christopher Allen Sabo (jsabo@visi.net)
Hampton, Virginia
"To whom it may concern - The Star Wars Trilogy since my childhood
has been in my opinion the best science fiction series ever made.
The characters, plot,special effects, action, and atmosphere are all
but unmatched. I look forward to someday seeing the new Trilogy.
Liked the Special Edition. Thanks for providing this sight! --Chris"

2/5/97 Maureen Abruscato (MAbruscato@aol.com)
Mastic Beach, NY

2/4/97 James A Sierra (J414@WEBTV.NET)
Las Vegas, NV

2/4/97 Jason Rivkin (jr9091a@american.edu)
Deerfield, IL

2/3/97 Richard L. Freeborn (THEWOLF@BELLSOUTH.NET)

2/3/97 Toby Hicks (wlh@wantree.com.au)

2/2/97 Tim Campos (scampos408@aol.com)
Santa Clara, CA

2/1/97 Synnabar (synnabar@aol.com)
"Impressive....most impressive!"

1/30/97 Glenn Buckallew and Krysti Vanalstine (CoosKid@aol.com)
Pueblo, Colorado

1/29/97 Luke Skywalker (michael@bobcat.tamu-commerce.edu)
Dallas, TX

1/28/97 Jennifer (greatmiami@fuse.net)
Cincinnati, OH
"Looking forward to seeing Star Wars on the big screen for the
first time in 20 years. I was 4 the 1st time."

1/28/97 Jeremy Harvey (jivemonkey@gnn.com)
"Uhhh. Yeah I like Star Wars too."

1/28/97 Stephen Hunt (96240744sh@nene.ac.uk)
Leicester, UK
"All these lists to keep us fans occupied. Nice One..."

1/28/97 Michael Hunter (mehunter@email.unc.edu)
Statesville, NC

1/27/97 Jason Heppler (hepplerj@cougarnet.byu.edu)
Traverse City, MI
"Star Wars is life..."

1/27/97 Rookie 1
Los Angeles, Ca
"There is a Disturbence in the Force."

1/26/97 George W. Elam (gjelam@3lefties.com)
Phillipsburg, Ohio

1/25/97 James Pittman (stu931101@gcc.edu)
Grove City, PA

1/25/97 Cailin Pruett (pruett@avana.net)
Atlanta, GA
"Nice web Page!"

1/23/97 Daniel, A big Star Wars fan (bitzy96@concentric.net)
"Star Wars is the coolest and the best movie ever made and I can't
wait till they put out the new movies."

1/22/97 Shaft (jdm6236@acns.fsu.edu)
"Cool page!"

1/21/97 Scott VanDeurzen (ScottVanD@aol.com)
Menasha, WI
"I am absolutely in love with SW.I have been since my dad
introduced me to it when I was 5. Now being 17 and and having
waited years the movies are finally back on the big screen.
I collect ALL action figures and hot wheels. If you need
anything just ask. I probably have it. MTFBWYA

1/20/97 Andrew Gray-Spence (hibiscus@taunet.net.au)
Darwin Top End Australia
"I've been a Star Wars fan for years. I've collected all the books
and looking forward to seeing the trilogy for the first time.I'm
constructing my own home page with lots of links to Star Wars
info. Hope to be online in a month or so. Cheers. Andrew"

1/20/97 Scott Meredith (JEMSJM@worldnet.att.net)
Spokane, Washington
"Star Wars rules!!!!"

1/18/97 Larry Hale (jwhaleco@searnet.com)
Danville, KY
"Star Wars is my childhood."

1/18/97 Ben Schmit
Red Deer Alberta, Canada
"This place is pretty cool."

1/13/97 Adam Sikich (as7799a@american.edu)
Olympia Fields, IL

1/17/97 Philip Nelson Jr. (philip1@iamerica.net)
Monroe, La

1/16/97 Dash Rendar (DashRndr7@AOL.com)
"I love Star Wars and I love to love Star Wars."

1/15/97 Scott Cockreham (Cragus12@1x.netcom.com)
Denver, Colorado
"Great site. One of the BEST Star Wars Sites I have seen!"

1/14/97 Zach McKinney (windows@indymall.com)
Carmel, Indiana in other words Smallville U.S.A
"I love it how you have the Mos Eisley Cantina music playing.
It is so cool!"

1/13/97 Todd Wickett Cummins (cummindt@email.uc)
Cincinnati, OH

1/11/97 Billy Shull (CHIPBRAKAR@aol.com)

1/11/97 MAT COLUMBRO (Bimbo@interlynx.net)
Hamilton, Ontario
"Star Wars is Boss. January 31 1997. The day of the the beginning of a
whole new adventure in that galaxy far far away."

1/10/97 Colin Lyons
Belfast Northern Ireland

1/9/97 Matt Souza
Jacksonville, Ar
"This is 1 of the coolest sites I've seen"

1/8/97 Michael Forys (mjeeee@vegas.infi.net)
Las Vegas

1/8/97 Eran Hades Kalmanovich (kalman@netvision.net.il)

1/6/97 Krispy
West Seneca
"Looove the sound bite of the cantina band"

1/6/97 Jabba the Hutt (shadow@worldlink.com.au)
Gold Coast, Australia
"Cool!!!cool!!cool!!! I love Tatoonie"

1/4/97 War6
"I am a pretty cool guy."
Ed. Note: Too much vanity can lead to the Dark Side...

1/2/97 John Day
Davenport, IA

1/1/97 Chris Neal (jrneal@fuse.net)
Cincinnati, OH
"I love this page !!!!!!!!!!!!"

Guests From 1996

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