1996 Updates

at Bantha Fodder

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12/18/96: Had to make a last minute addition with big news to the New trilogy page.

12/16/96: Several Emulator Page additions, SW Collecting update. No more additions until the New Year. Happy Holidays!

12/1/96: Overhauled The PC GAMES page. I actually like it now :) . Small Emulator Page update, as well as other additions elsewhere...

12/1/96: SW Collecting update, small Trilogy info update, Emulator update, guestbook, new links, Myself page update.

11/26/96: New Special Edition pic, Emulation page update, PC Games update, SW Collecting update. Happy Thanksgiving!

11/18/96: Sorry updates have been slow - very busy lately! SW Collecting update. Hope to add a variation list here soon. Big Emulation Page update. Link updates. New SW Quiz question.

11/2/96: The facelift continues! New look on the Star Wars pages. Tons on new stuff on the SW: Special Edition and New Trilogy page. Emulator page additions. Other stuff updated all over. Maybe one of these days, I will add an automated guestbook...

10/26/96: The server was down on the 22nd. Seems to be OK now. New trilogy info, SW collecting, and new emulator page. This page is in the early stages, and will contain much more in the future. Other changes all over the place.

10/17/96: The beginning of a major facelift has begun. Also, the problem with Crescendo has been resolved. To see some of these changes, you will have to flush your disk cache. In Netscape, this is done in the "Options" menu - then "Network Prefrences". Flush it!

10/14/96: Minor update. Small changes, guestbook, etc. Emulator page is coming along and will be posted soon.

10/9/96: Great new pix of more upcoming figures, as well is information updates at SW COLLECTING, new SW link, small fixes, working on a new Classic Video Game Emulation page, due soon.

10/7/96: New SW figure pictures, new still of Jabba from the Special Edition. New quiz question. Sorry if the Crescendo tunes aren't playing. There is a problem with my server, and I am in the process of fixing it.

10/2/96: Little improvements all over. New VIEWFINDER links. Star Wars updates. Check around.

9/21/96: PC GAMES major update. SW Collecting update, small MYSELF update. New figures for sale.

9/11/96: Plenty of changes. New VIEWFINDER format. Now it is a page containing the best entertainment links. New color scans in MANGLERS and MYSELF. New Star Wars trilogy and collecting news.

8/25/96: The DOOM Page is no more! It has now joined with the PC Games page. They always belonged together anyway. Made some maintanence changes here and there on the Mangler page.

8/19/96: DOOM Page update, New SW Quiz, small New Trilogy Update, new quiz info, updated Myself page, guestbook, and new links.

8/3/96: Major SW Collecting and New Trilogy updates, including figs for sale! Also: PC GAMES update and a new link.

7/30/96: Added "quick menu" to Star Wars page. New Collecting info, SW Trilogy, Myself, and a few other tweaks here and there.

7/23/96: SW Collecting update, New SW Special Edition pix, had to add a Journey tune snippet to the links page...

7/20/96: Forced to Quickly make a move from my Compuserve space to the new home. New VIEWFINDER article, MYSELF update, New LINKS, SW Collecting Updates, New Special Edition picture, GUESTBOOK.

7/8/96: SW New Trilogy update including Special Edition trailer info and character bios, Doom Page Update, small SW collecting update.

7/2/96: New Netscape and Internet Explorer enhancements, including Embedded Music, New Java Marquee, Animations, and more. Check out Animations at MYSELF, STAR WARS PAGES, and check out the band!

7/1/96: Quake update at Doom Page. New news and major overhaul at SW Trilogy Info and Collecting. Guestbook updated (Sorry that I missed a few entries last time - they are now in there!

6/22/96: Quiz moved to SW page, SW Collecting major update, Myself Page Update, Classic Video Games article at PC GAMES, new link.

6/15/96: Updates to SW Collecting and Trilogy Info. New link to Hasbro Site.

6/6/96: Spruced up the Main Menu, New Viewfinder article, new links to "Axis", my web publishing company.

5/27/96: Doom page update, New Trilogy Update, SW Collect Update. I compressed most of the pictures on this site, shrinking most by 50% or more. Of course, to you, that means half the loading time!

5/22/96: E3 Info on PC GAMES page, guestbook update.

5/15/96: New "Navigator Buttons" on homepage, More Special Edition pix, Star Wars collecting update, 1st Guestbook entries added - Keep 'em Coming!

5/8/96: Two new Viewfinder Articles, Myself page update, music link update, Star Wars collecting update.

5/7/96: Guestbook Added.

5/6/96: Star Wars Collectors page updated, Games page update, Doom page update, more internal links added.

4/30/96: All Star Wars pages updated, Games page update, new quiz question. I will be adding a guestbook shortly!

4/29/96: New Viewfinder article, updated New trilogy FAQ, Update to link page, Mangler page update.

4/25/96: New links, Picture links added, cosmetic changes.

4/24/96: Counter Added. Music added. New Links, fixes.

4/22/96: Viewfinder On-Line Premieres, Mangler Page updated.

4/16/96: Mangler Page Added! Updates and Fixes everywhere - Added Star Wars Drinking game and New Trilogy FAQ, Doom Page re-vamped, "L.A. Entertainment" re-named "Viewfinder", many new links.

4/13/96: Fixed some bad links, and added a few more. Added to the "Me" page. I am planning on adding a web counter ASAP.

4/11/96: Bantha Fodder opens for business.

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