Dave's Page at Bantha Fodder

I'm one of those nuts who moved from the East Coast to the West.  I currently reside in California. I originally grew up in Bellmore, NY where I went to Saw Mill Road School, and Jerusalem Ave. JHS.
Then I moved to Summit, New Jersey. I graduated from SHS, and then went to
C.W. Post College/Long Island University.

I lived in Summit again until January 1996, when I drove across the country with Stretch (fellow Mangler), and landed here in sunny Los Angeles.

If you visited my Star Wars page, I mentioned that I saw it when I was 5 years old. The day I saw it, I wanted to be Luke Skywalker.


"Do or Do Not....There is no try."

"Once you travel down the path of the Dark Side, forever will it dominate your destiny...."

I love Computers. My computer keeps me busy. If I'm not ripping it apart to add another upgrade, I'm putting it  through its paces.  The best pets to have are Tropical Fish. They are always happy to see you, never yell or get loud, and they don't eat too much. Pinball is cool. And Foosball. Its obvious I like video games. Check out my custom built MAME cabinet !  I like to keep myself busy. I like tons of things. Many of them are contained within these pages. And of course, I always like a good beer (or more).

I like music too. I listen to a a pretty wide variety of stuff. My two most consistent favorite bands are Journey and Rush. I got into a special  Fleetwood Mac concert in 2003 - first row, right in front of Stevie Nicks! What a dream come true...  My other favorites are listed on my Link Page. Been golfing a bit recently too. I'm just ok. Just hit the slope in Big Bear. Snowboarding is cool. And So Cal is a great place to do it!

I enjoy movies as well. I'm big into collecting DVDs/Blu Rays these days. LORD OF THE RINGS ROCKS!!!! Check out the "Viewfinder" page for some links you may find interesting.  

I also am into making movies. Check out my production company website .

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